It appears that a lot of people still remain unfamiliar with Angie’s List in spite of the presence of ads on various television and cable channels.
In fact, a neighbor of mine was curious about this online resource but was only knowledgeable about the fact that Angie’s List is just a site where they can simply find a list of contractors and service providers just like the plain old yellow pages. Hence, I would like to provide a more detailed picture of what Angie’s List is really all about.
Angie’s List is not like your tired and boring yellow pages. Angie’s List is an online resource of user-generated feedback on contractors and services provided by a lively community of 2.0 million paying subscribers all over the US.
So what exactly is Angie’s List? Angie’s List is not like your tired and boring yellow pages. Angie’s List is an online resource of user-generated feedback on contractors and services provided by a lively community of 2.0 million paying subscribers all over the US. The site provides user-driven report cards on neighborhood contractors and service providers in large and small cities across the US.

The company was started by Angie Hicks (hence, Angie’s List) back in 1995 in Columbus, Ohio. Frustrated with the difficulty of finding local contractors for some home repair projects she had, she embarked on collecting consumer reviews by going door-to-door within her neighborhood and friends. Her list grew and became very popular such that within a year, Angie had a list of 1,000 members within Columbus.
Eventually, Angie’s List became one of the fastest growing companies in the US and by November 2011, the company became public and began trading on NASDAQ (ticker symbol: ANGI). These days, Angie’s List is available across the US covering large and small cities alike. The company’s list of service categories covered continues to grow as its membership also continues to expand.
For an affordable membership fee (you can read more details on pricing in this article: “Angie’s List Review: Is A Membership Worth It?“), these are the benefits you stand to gain as a member of this site:
1. You get access to thousands of unbiased ratings of contractors, service providers, and health professionals in 450 service categories. These are actual user reviews provided by other members living within your city or area.
2. You get 24 hr./7 days a week access to all reviews and ratings from members in your area about local service providers, ranging from home improvement contractors and electricians to physicians and dentists.
3. You benefit from easy to understand ratings of service providers to help you with your decision-making. Service providers are rated with an overall grade from A to F, just like a school report card.
4. Service providers are rated based on the following criteria: price, quality, responsiveness, punctuality, and professionalism. These are explained and defined on the site to help your decision-making.
5. Prior to reviews being posted on the site, these are all checked and verified by an independent auditing firm, BPA Wordwide, to guard against service providers or companies that are trying to game the system by reporting on themselves or their competitors.
6. You can call and get live support through the company’s call center if you want to talk to someone regarding any questions you might have on service providers you are interested in hiring or any issues that you might have.
7. You have direct access to the complaint resolution team who will help you resolve issues that you are experiencing with a company or service provider.
8. You get the award-winning Angie’s List magazine, which is sent to you every month.
9. You get discounts from highly rated contractors and service providers within your area.
10. You have access to the latest online articles and tips that range from home improvement projects to health care-related matters.
Related read: Does Angie’s List Charge A Membership Fee?
In a nutshell, Angie’s List is a great place to start your search for the right contractor or service provider. The site makes such an endeavor convenient and more efficient as you can do this right in the comfort of your home. Furthermore, Angie’s List provides tremendous value at a very affordable price. If you are interested in checking out the price of a membership within your city, just click on the link below:
Want to Know the Price of an Angie’s List Membership in Your Area? CLICK HERE.
If you decide to become a member of Angie’s List, make sure to apply the Angie’s List promo code below to get significant savings on your Angie’s List membership.
Did you find this article helpful? Do you think Angie’s List provides a lot of value or not? If you are already a member, please share your thoughts and experience with Angie’s List?
Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate
It’s really more than a review site for me. The reviews I get to read are just one of the very many perks I get from this. The one thing I like about it is the assistance I can get from the resolution team. I know I can always call them if the contractor doesn’t keep his part of the deal.
I had no idea I could get more discounts as a member. I was very happy to learn that companies offered more discounts to members only. That made up for my membership fee.
I’m just wondering why I can’t get this for free. I mean it’s pretty much all about the reviews, right? Why can’t that be free?
I’m still not so sure what angie’s list is all about. I just had to look it up and see what everybody is talking about. So far, I’m learning a lot from all your articles. Thanks.
I think angie’s list is good enough to be considered as a reliable and credible consumer guide. Every consumer that puts value on their hard earned money doesn’t hire without reading the reviews on angie’s list.
AL comes in very handy when you’re in a hurry to find any kind of service provider. It makes it easier for you because aside from the reviews, you get a good list of companies that are located very near you.
It seems like the reviews cover everything that can help anybody decide and hire the right one. Price, quality, responsiveness, punctuality, and professionalism are exactly the parameters I stick to whenever I look for a service provider.
For me, angie’s list gets me the right company at the right time. I don’t have to deal with a lot of people. Once I’m able to read the reviews, I have a better idea as to which company to call on. There’s no need for me to guess. It’s not a gamble anymore. It’s better now with angie’s list.
Angie’s List is where I go to every time I need to find a service provider. I read the reviews and take it from there. Just recently, I needed to find an alteration shop. We all know how hard it is to find such a service. Somehow the malls in our area don’t have a lot of these alteration shops. Then I went on angie’s list and found a good list of options. The good thing was that all the options were all within my area.
What I didn’t know about angie’s list was the fact that it’s possible to get huge discounts as a member. I really thought that angie’s list only offered reviews. But to my surprise (I’m not complaining at all) I can even get some good discounts.
This is way better than the yellow pages. I can get pick up great information and make better judgement. Thus, I can stay away from people or companies that don’t give good service.
Oh, I’m very familiar with Angie’s List and I think it’s wonderful that I can rely on this online resource each time I need to hire a contractor. I feel confident that the reviews I am reading are all credible. I think this is what makes angie’s list amazing.
I don’t leave home without consulting Angie’s List. There are times when I need to find something or somebody and I have no idea where to go. This is where Angie’s List comes in really handy. I am able to find a good list of retailers, medical practitioners, health and wellness experts, and whatever I may need. With all the their reviews and ratings, I can have a good idea as to which one to choose. This saves me a lot of time.
Yes and you can actually get a discount on some of these companies that have good reviews and ratings. But personally for me, angie’s list is my protector. In case I’m not happy with the company I choose, I can always rely on Angie’s List to help me out.
I’m not exactly sure what angie’s list is but I will surely find out soon. The perks look good and the reviews all seem positive. Although I’m still wondering why I need to pay a fee, I will soon find out why.
Every time I need help around the house, I’m on angie’s list reading the reviews and ratings. Be it gardening, plumbing, or cleaning; I’m on angie’s list to check who is the most reliable service provider. It really helps me a lot.
I hope it can be helpful to me as well. I’m signing up because of all the good things I have been hearing about it. You sound pretty satisfied with it…I hope I will be too.
I can get BIG benefits from Angie’s List. One, I can find a service provider that suits my needs. Second, I can have access to all the reviews and ratings. Third, I can get huge discounts. For me, all these benefits make up Angie’s List.
Angie’s list will NOT get me the best service provider. It will just provide me a list of choices of service providers. At the end, I make the decision. But making that decision becomes “easy” in a way that my decision is founded on credible reviews and ratings.
I guess now, companies are more careful with their services. Hence, companies will make sure to provide the service they promise. At the same time, consumers will feel protected.
You’re right….AL is the best report card for all the companies in the area. I think it’s the best reference for everybody that wants and deserves good service.
It’s too ideal to think that everybody deserves good service. The reality is consumers, like you and me, come across some companies that don’t really care. I wouldn’t trust all the reviews. But I signed up because of the complaint resolution team. It’s a guarantee that I can always get the assistance if something goes wrong.
Every time I need to know something and I want to get hold of credible information, I visit the website of angie’s list. As a mom, it really helps me find the right person and company for any home and even personal needs. It’s a help for me.
This is where I go when I need to a contractor for my home repairs. However, you can find more than just contractors on AL. Doctors, child care providers, auto mechanics, etc can all be found on AL. It’s a very useful resource.
For me Angie’s List can help me find shops and service providers located in my area. For me that’s very important. I have a good idea of where I’m going soon as I’m out of the door.
It’s more than just a review site for me. First of all, I can get huge discounts. Sometimes as big as 50% off. How can I go wrong with that? Second, the customer support team is just a phone call away. If there’s anything I am not happy about with regards to the contractor, I call the support team.
Angie’s List provides reliable reviews to consumers that want to hire the right contractor. It’s really a far cry from the yellow pages. The only thing a consumer can get from the yellow pages is a contact number. Angie’s List provides everything a consumer needs to know about a certain contractor.
Angie’s List has led to great service providers. I wouldn’t have been able to find them if I hadn’t read the reviews.
You not only get reviews and ratings of companies that you may need in the future. You can also get assistance from a reliable support team in case the company you hire doesn’t deliver. I really agree with you that it’s some kind of safety net.
I’m quite aware of what Angie’s List is. It’s quite popular and I hear a lot about it on tv and radio. Actually, some of my friends have signed up and they all seem to be very happy with it as well. That’s why I’m taking some time to read everything about it (your website is really great) before signing up.
Adjusting to a new place is never easy. You’d have to start from scratch. You really wouldn’t know where to begin especially if you haven’t made any friends yet. Now, Angie’s List can help you in these times. You can find various contractors and service providers and the good thing is that you wouldn’t have to guess as to which one to choose because the reviews and ratings can help you. Somehow, you can have a good feel of your new place through Angie’s List.
It helps us find professional service providers through the reviews and ratings posted by members. These members have first hand information on the service. Most importantly, all the reviews they post are certified.
It’s one great list of reviews and ratings of contractors.
Angie’s List is exactly what it is. It is a credible list of products and services with reviews and ratings by consumers.
Angie’s List is a site where I can find out about the services of the companies in my area.
Angie’s List is where every consumer should look before making a choice.
I learn a lot from the articles and tips from Angie’s List.
Angie’s List has helped me find awesome contractors. Their professional fees weren’t bad at all. I got great discounts as well.
Angie’s List not only reviews and rates service providers and companies. It also gives the members huge discounts.
It’s really a challenge to find a local contractor; more so a reliable local contractor. It’s great that Angie’s List can finally help us do that.
For me, Angie’s List is where I can get great leads and ideas as to whom I can hire for my home projects and other personal needs.
Angie’s List delivers reviews that I can trust and depend on. It does exactly what a credible review site should do: recommend the right one for the job.
I just explained to a friend of mine what Angie’s List was. I was surprised that she had not heard of it. I mean, where else can you find reliable customer reviews? Not knowing about Angie’s List can be very dangerous. You can choose the wrong contractor and pay so much for a service that isn’t satisfactory at all.