Spring cleaning is a once a year opportunity to thoroughly clean and free the house of clutter. Homemakers who spring-clean unearth piles of assorted things that have no use in the house. Many of such items may still be in great condition but can also be pretty much useless.
A common way get be rid of such items is by giving them away. Surely, another man’s garbage is somebody else’s treasure. Although for some, unearthing such items is an opportunity to earn money. There are three ways to convert “trash” to cash. Related read: Freshen up your home with Angie’s List.
- Have a garage sale: Set up a garage sale in the house. Segregate the items in categories for an easier sale. Make a section for old clothes, toys, appliances, furniture, and so on. Each item for sale must be tagged with a price. Be ready to negotiate as interested buyers are looking for a good sale. Start early and keep the buyers comfortable by providing shade in the area. Towards the end of the day, slash the prices for last minute shoppers.
- Sell it online: Choose items that are unique and special. Collectibles are perfect for online sale. Electronics, musical instruments, technical gadgets also do well on online sales. Take several pictures of the item and post them for sale online. There are several websites where they allow individuals to freely post items on sale.
- Donate it to charity for tax deduction: Charitable organizations like the Salvation Army accept donations of useful household items and clothes. In return, these institutions will provide for tax deductions. Amounts for tax deduction will vary depending on items donated.
Before throwing away anything, give it a long hard look. May be it can recycled or upcycled; recreating it into something else. May be it can also be easy money. If it can provide extra cash in the pocket then consider one of the options above to turn “trash” to cash. Related read: Get a discount with an Angie’s List promo code.
Have you done your spring cleaning? Feel free to share some of your spring cleaning tips.
We take our annual home cleaning very seriously. For us, it’s not just an opportunity to declutter our home and make extra cash. It’s also a great time to assess the overall physical condition of our house. Over the years, it has become easier for us since we get help from Angie’s List.
Great tips you have here. I really wouldn’t mind earning extra cash from all the stuff I don’t need anymore.
I want to start our annual general cleaning early. I don’t want to wait until spring. I want to do it slowly so that I won’t get too exhausted, doing it one time, big time. I wouldn’t mind getting help from Angie’s List.
There are areas in my home that are very hard to clean. As much as I want to clean the house myself, I need to find some help. That is when I rely on Angie’s List.
I usually hire someone to do the spring cleaning. Thank goodness for Angie’s List.
I usually do a once-a-week house cleaning. But you just gave me a good idea to go through our stuff and see if there are any items we can donate.
The kids have already cleaned out their closets, sorting out stuff they won’t be needing anymore. We’re all set to have a major house cleaning this summer.
It’s about time that my home is free of clutter. My home looks great and I love it.
My house could use a fresh start now. I’m excited to sort out the junk and make some quick bucks.
Either I sell or donate the stuff I had unearthed during my clean up time. I can’t keep too much junk in my house.
I really rely on the reviews on Angie’s List. I’m sure that they are written by actual customers. Since companies do not pay to get on Angie’s List, I am sure of getting credible feedback and updates. That’s is very important for me.
This is also a good time to clean the blinds and the drapes. I usually do that around this and I have been hiring a service company that has been doing a fantastic job. Of course, I found the company on Angie’s List.
Great ideas! I wanna try selling some of my stuff online.
Having a garage sale is an instant way to get extra cash. I can’t wait to clean out our closets and earn some cash. 🙂