This is a commonly asked question by folks who have come to visit our site. Especially during times when budgets are tight and home improvements are being planned, penny pinching is always a common theme. With Angie’s List, consumers pay a small membership fee to become a member. The price of membership will depend on your needs, the length of the membership, and the area where you live. Related read: Angie’s List review: is it worth it?
Your membership fee helps for the maintenance and day-to-day operations of the site to make the community of consumers a place for reliable and unbiased information on service providers. Aside from access to thousands of unbiased reviews and feedback on service providers in your area, your membership also gives you access to other various membership benefits such as:
(1) live support if you want to talk to someone to help you find highly-rated contractors or service providers in your area of membership;
(2) assistance from their Complaint Resolution team in case you find yourself having a problem with a service provider regardless of whether you found the company on Angie’s List or not;
(3) coupons and discounts from well-rated service providers within your area;
(4) a monthly magazine which features useful and timely articles, tips, and information on home maintenance and service providers; and
(5) access to a breadth of additional tips, articles, and “how to’s” on its website; and
(6) exclusive discounts from online retailers and nationwide stores.
The cost of membership to Angie’s List is very affordable and varies depending on the city you live. Generally, you would expect the price of membership to be relatively higher in larger cities or cosmopolitan area as opposed to smaller cities or towns.
For example, annual membership in a more established locations such as New York, Chicago, or San Francisco would start at somewhere around $45 or $55 a year while areas in the surrounding areas of these major cities would be relatively lower than $45.
So again, the price of membership will depend on how established the community of Angie’s List members is in your area. You can find out the price of membership in your are by clicking on the link below:
Want to Know the Price of an Angie’s List Membership in Your Area? CLICK HERE.
Here are what some people had to say regarding their Angie’s List memberships:
“Regular price for the yearly membership is $47 (for me in Raleigh/Durham, anyway). When you consider the cost of a bad contractor, who you picked out of the yellow pages eenie-meenie-minie-moe style, and who charges you too much for bad work, $47 per year sounds really, really cheap. I used the list for one big project before, and it went well. I’m about to fork over nearly $20,000 to a contractor for some home improvements. Since they’re highly rated on Angie’s List, I’m much less worried about the work than I otherwise would be.” – Dec One on ask.metafilter.com forum
“I’ve been an Angies List member for years. I highly recommend it. I think it’s around $50 per year. Whenever I call a contractor (which happens often with an old house), I make it a point to mention that I found them on Angies List. Seems to get me a quick response from all of them, and sometimes they’ll offer you a discount. But more importantly you can quickly see the reviews other customers have written about the contractor.” – CMC, sportsfrog.com
“Angie’s List has definitely been worth the money to me. I’ve been a member for several years and have saved time and money from using companies on the list. The experiences I’ve had with hiring from the list have been positive … Well worth the small annual fee.” – Lou, apartmenttherapy.com
“Why do people think they should get something for free? I have been an Angie’s List member for a while and can tell you that the info is well worth the small fee. In fact, I bet I have saved more money from the companies I have found on Angie’s List than I have paid in fees. You just can’t find this much good info on companies anywhere else. So I guess you can be cheap and take your chances with the big ad in the yellow pages or you can pay a few bucks and get the real scoop before you’re committed.” – turtle, apartmenttherapy.com
“I use Angie’s List and I’ll swear by it. It’s completely worth the money you’ll save, and the hassle of finding a reliable service provider. It has a very loyal following and a very detailed rating process. I found my home inspector, my termite inspector, and my hardwood installers all through Angies List. It’s the first place I start looking before calling for estimates …” – tom, lazymanandmoney.com
If you decide to sign-up for longer term subscriptions of 2, 3, or 4 years, of course you do get special discounts. The longer your subscription term, the larger the discount that you will be getting on your membership fee.
Regarding refunds, your annual membership is backed by a 110% money-back guarantee. In other words, if during your first year you decide that Angie’s List is not for you, you may cancel your membership and get a full refund plus an extra 10% as their way of thanking you for trying out Angie’s List.
There are no refunds on monthly memberships so if you are planning to join Angie’s List, make sure to go for an annual membership.
Angie’s List currently has over 2.0 million (and growing!) satisfied members. You might like to try it out to see for yourself why more and more people are now using Angie’s List. Don’t forget to apply the Angie’s List promo code below to save some money on your membership.
Are you a member of Angie’s List? Or are you planning to join Angie’s List? If a member, what has been your experience with the online resource? Feel free to share your thoughts.
I think it’s fair that we pay a certain amount of membership fee to avail of the services of Angie’s List. Anyway, it’s a very minimal fee considering we get to read all the reviews. That’s a big help for consumers like us.
Considering the fact that Angie’s List has a Complaint Resolution team, it’s pretty obvious it charges a fee. I don’t mind paying at all. It’ll come in handy in case any issues with the contractor arise..
I wasn’t surprised that I had to pay. But it definitely raised my expectations. So now as a member, I expect to experience the conveniences that come with being a member.
That was my first question as well. I didn’t think it was going to be free, But nonetheless, it’s a small amount for such big benefits.
It’s very important for me to find the right contractor at the least amount of time. On top of that, I should be able to find the best one. For those reasons, I don’t mind paying the membership fee.
Oh my, it’s not easy getting something so reliable and trustworthy for free. Let’s face it, for angie’s list to provide great service, we have to pay for it. It’s business.
I think the discounts offered to the members make up for the small membership fee upon signing up. Although I wouldn’t really know yet. But I should find out soon.
Come on…how can angie’s list give us all those discounts if we don’t pay the membership fee? It’s but right that we pay some sort of fee be able to enjoy the perks.
Well I can tell you this, I have been paying for my membership for the past two years and I have no complaints. I like what I am getting from Angie’s List. Although in the beginning, I did find it absurd to have to pay for the membership, And I know there are some people that still find it weird that the membership is paid. But you would really have to experience the service first to realize why it should be a paid membership.
Every time I make an inquiry with a certain contractor, I always make sure to tell them that I found them on AL. More often than not, I get a pretty good treatment. But most importantly once I hire a contractor, I get good service. From there, I can surmise that the contractors I find on AL are all very good. AL hasn’t failed me yet.
I have been very satisfied with angie’s list. Aside from getting to read all the reviews, I am able to find a contractor without going through the trouble of asking around. With such convenience angie’s list brings to me, it’s just proper that I pay a little price for it.
If I can get to read reviews that have been audited by a credible agency known worldwide, then I understand why I need to pay for a membership fee. The way I see it, the small membership fee show that it’s a serious site. For me, this sets the standard of credibility and competence.
After learning about the various services of angie’s list, it’s not surprising that there’s a membership fee. Credible and reliable reviews shouldn’t be free. I would rather pay a fee to read reviews than just rely on the internet to read some reviews.
The membership fee isn’t bad at all. I would rather pay a fee to find competent contractors. These days, there are just too many companies that offer all sort of services. I wouldn’t know which to trust.
At first, I didn’t want to sign up. But when I saw the discount, I thought it wasn’t bad at all. Then I saw more discounts as a member. That was when I relaized that the membership fee was worth it.
I’m about to sign up and it never occurred to me that it should be free. I have heard how the reviews have helped a lot of my friends. For them, it justifies the small membership they had paid upon sign up.
If AL offers such helpful services, it makes sense to pay for it. Great services cannot be free. If it is, it won’t be around for long.
Just because we pay a membership fee doesn’t mean we can always find the perfect contractor. I have been with angie’s list for some time and I have come across some flakey contractors.
That’s exactly why they have a Complaint Resolution Team. This is one huge reason why I signed up. I have come across some contractors that were not so great as well but I was able to get some issues resolved with the help of the Complaint Resolution Team.
I have no complaints yet. Call it luck or whatever, the service providers I have been hiring are really reliable. They come on time and they get the work done really well.
The membership fee can assure you that the information you get is indeed reliable and credible. This beats going on free sites that claim to offer the same services.
Angieslist charges a membership and it’s understandable. I mean, it has to so that it could sustain its services. There’s got to be a team behind this review site that needs to be compensated.
There is definitely a membership fee. Take note that the annual payment plan is the most affordable one, with the lowest cost as compared to the monthly plan.
I really don’t worry about the membership. First of all, it’s a minimal amount. Second, if I were to avail of the discounts offered exclusively to members, it would already cover the cost of my sign up fee.
I looked over the discounts offered. I saw some big discounts (some as big as 75%) This kind of discount will definitely make up for my membership fee.
If the site were free, I don’t think we would have a complaint resolution team to help us out. If we don’t have that, we’d all be back to square one. Where can we go if, in case, we have any complaints with the contractor?
It should really be a paid membership.
Smart consumers don’t mind paying the membership fee of Angie’s List.
Great service can’t be free 🙂
I get what I need from Angie’s List. That’s something I don’t mind paying for.
I don’t worry about the contractors I hire. They’re all highly recommended on Angie’s List. For that, I don’t mind paying the membership fee.
The membership fee gives Angie’s List credibility.
Regardless of the fact that you’re on a tight budget, it’s better to sign up with Angie’s List.
After some serious thinking, I’m taking your word for it.